Lawrence Arts Center
October 17 through November 30, 2005
Lawrence, Kansas
Reception: Saturday, Oct. 22 from 6:30-9:30pm
Introductions by Mayor Dennis Highberger, Mike Rundle and Sue Hack, City Commissioners
University of Kansas Art & Design Gallery
October 17 through October 28
Collaborative Installation: “Paths & Structures”
“Labyrinth” Installation by Glossop & Van Essen
Reception: Saturday, Oct. 22 from 7:30-9:30pm
(Opening night bus shuttle between Lawrence Arts Center and
KU Art & Design Gallery every 15 min. from 7-9:45pm)
Additional ”Convergence” EventsFIELDS Gallery, 712 Massachusetts St. “Event Participant V” and artwork by Diana Dunkley
Opening Reception: Friday, October, 28, 7-9pm. Exhibit: Oct. 22-Nov. 30.Phoenix Gallery, 919 Massachusetts St. Artwork by Jan Gaumnitz and Cathy Tisdale
Reception: Friday, October 28, 7-9pm.Southwest and More, 727 Massachusetts St. Artwork by Ann Kuckelman Cobb
Reception: Friday, October 28, 7-9pm.Artwork by Laurie Culling at Jewelry by Julie, 19 West Ninth
Open House: Friday, October 28, 5-7pmArtwork by Jan Gaumnitz at CornerBank, 4621 West Sixth St.
Opening Reception: Friday, Sept., 9, 5-7pm. Exhibit: Sept. 9-Oct. 29.Student art collaboration “Connected Community” and artwork by “Convergence” artists
October 1-31. Children’s Section, Lawrence Public LibraryTalks, Book Readings, and Presentations
Panel discussion on “Convergence” & Visual Arts, Lawrence Public Library Gallery, Mon., 10/17, 7-9pm.
Presentation and book-signing by Convergence artist and Canadian, Susan Rennick Jolliffe: “Collaborating with Authors to Illustrate a Children's Book”, Sponsored by The Raven Bookstore.
Thursday, 10/20, 7:30pm. Lawrence Public Library Auditorium, 707 Vermont St.Children’s Book Reading, "The Twelve days of Summer" written by Jan Andrews, illustrated by reader Susan Rennick Jolliffe of "Convergence", and published by Orca ( Written for the 7 and under age group, the story is a cumulative poem based on the "Twelve Days of Christmas " counting song, and features the creatures and plants living in the same area of Canada as the author. Sponsored by The Raven Bookstore. Tuesday, 10/18, 10:30-11am; Thursday, 10/20, 7-7:30pm. Children’s Section, Lawrence Public Library, 707 Vermont St.
“Inside Out/ Outside In/ Spencer Museum at Work”, Spencer Museum of Art, 1301 Mississippi St., October 20, 1-4pm. “Convergence” artist Diana Dunkley will present “The Wacky World of Conceptual Art” on the lawn of the Spencer Museum. The project is inspired by the museum’s fall exhibition Lee Friedlander: At Work, that includes art and activities both inside and outside the museum, focusing on the theme of work, and highlighting the real work of people in and around Lawrence. Dunkley will set up the tools of her trade within a large-scale picture frame surrounding the grass plot in front of the museum. Other “workers” are scheduled Tuesdays through Thursdays, beginning Tuesday, September 27, through Thursday, October 20, between 10 am and 4pm. Contact person: Betsy Weaver, Inside Out/Outside In Project.
"Women Speak Women See" - Women Speak Series sponsored by 100 Good Women
Featuring guest speaker Saralyn Reece Hardy, Director of the Spencer Museum of Art
Lawrence Arts Center, Wed., 10/26, 7-9pm.Workshop Series
"Metal Leafing" by Missy Hamilton
Sat., 10/15, 1-5pm, Fee: $36, Lawrence Arts Center.
"Felting" by Maggie Glossop
Wed., 10/19, 9:30am-12:30pm, Fee: $30, $5.00 materials,
Studio 3-D, 1019 Delaware St.
"Folded Figures" by Susan Rennick Jolliffe and Roberta Huebener
Wed., 10/19, 3-5pm, Fee: $25, Lawrence Arts Center
"Felt Rock Happening" by Wendo Van Essen, Maggie Glossop,
Emma Martin and volunteers
Wed., 10/19, 3-4pm, 5:30-6:30pm, 7-8pm, all ages,
Fee: $15, Studio 3-D, 1019 Delaware St.
"Needle Felting" by Wendo Van Essen
(Ages 7-adult, maximum enrollment 6)
Thurs., 10/20, 1-2pm, 4-5pm, 7-8pm, 1 hour,
Fee: $20, Studio 3-D, 1019 Delaware St., Lawrence, KS
"Event Participant V" by Diana Dunkley
Fri., 10/28, 6pm, FIELDS Gallery, 712 Mass. St. No Fee
"Stitching in Air" by Nan Renbarger
Sat., 11/5, 10am-2pm,
Cost: $36, Lawrence Arts Center
Artwork by The F.A.N. Club and The Northern Nine were exhibited during Convergence 2005 in both galleries at the Lawrence Arts Center, 940 New Hampshire, Lawrence, KS 66044 (785) 843-2787. Click here for a listing of artwork exhibited at the Arts Center. Click on each title to see the artwork image.
“Convergence” panoramic views: Click to view NORTH | SOUTH | EAST | WEST“Paths & Structures”
A Collaborative Installation held in conjunction with “Convergence”, a community-wide international art event.University of Kansas Art and Design Gallery, Oct. 17-28. Opening Reception, Oct. 22 from 7-9pm.
Gallery Hours: Sunday 1:00pm - 4:30pm; Monday-Wednesday 8:30am - 4:30pm.
Thursday 8:30am - 9:00pm; Friday 8:30am - 1:30pm.
Closed Friday afternoon, Saturdays and Holidays. The Art and Design Gallery is closed for the summer.The overarching theme or intent is the creation of an installation that celebrates the idea of interconnectedness among artists on an international level and within the community of Lawrence. The idea was born out of an exchange between U.S. and Canadian artists. Event coordinators are Diana Dunkley and Margaret Rose of The F.A.N. Club, and Maria Velasco, Associate Professor of Art at KU. “Paths & Structures” honors the spirit of collaboration by asking artists and community members to participate in the creation of the piece. “Paths & Structures” is a two-fold project: We have invited community members, many of them patrons of the arts, to create a path that conceptually links Ottawa, Ontario, Canada with Lawrence, Kansas, USA. The citizens walk a path based on the geography of Ottawa, leaving their imprint by tracking powdered materials on the floor to create the path lines. Then the floor is divided into areas based on a street map of downtown Lawrence. Artists and groups of artists have been invited to delineate the path through their assigned “block”. They create the path and its surrounding geography/topography, using materials of their choice.
The “Labyrinth”
Also in the gallery and part of “Paths & Structures”, is the “Labyrinth” coordinated by Canadian artists Maggie Glossopand Wendo Van Essen. The felted rock structure is installed in a 30 x 30 foot area in the Art and Design Gallery. Felting is used as a process to create the rocks, with a feltmaking workshop where community members create rocks that are included in a cairn in the middle, or in the labyrinth itself.
Additional ”Convergence” Events
Talks and Presentations
Monday, October 17, 7-9pm: Panel discussion on “Convergence” and the Visual Arts in Ottawa, Ontario, sponsored by the Lawrence Art Guild at the Lawrence Public Library Gallery, 707 Vermont St.
Women Speak Series, sponsored by 100 Good Women at the Lawrence Arts Center, Wed., 10/26, 7-9pm, featuring guest speaker Saralyn Reece Hardy, Director of the Spencer Museum of Art.
Concurrent Art Exhibits by artists of ”Convergence”
"Side by Side” sculptures, paintings, and monoprints by Jan Gaumnitz are featured at CornerBank, 4621 West Sixth St, from Sept. 9 through Oct. 29. Lobby hours: M-F 9am-5pm; Sat. 9am to noon. Opening Reception: Friday, Sept. 9, from 5-7pm.The following ”Convergence” events are held in conjunction with the Lawrence Downtown Gallery Walk, Friday, October 28, 7-9pm.
FIELDS Gallery, 712 Mass. St., featuring “Event Participant V” and artwork by Diana Dunkley. Opening Reception: October 28, 7-9pm, Ongoing exhibit: October 22-November 30.
"Event Participant V"
This art piece, presented in conjunction with "Convergence 2005", a community-wide international art event, is the fifth phase of a time-based, participatory, psychogeographical conceptual sculpture event, created by Lawrence artist Diana Dunkley. The public is welcome to join in as a part of Dunkley's ongoing sculpture project, at FIELDS Gallery, 712 Mass., on Friday, Oct 28, at 6:00pm. The event will conclude the following day at 5:00pm at FIELDS Gallery. No one will be required to do anything that will keep them from their normal day to day activity. "Event Participant V" sponsored in part by CVS Pharmacy, and is also a part of the FIELDS Gallery's Downtown Gallery Walk exhibit, which features Dunkley's two- and three-dimensional work.FIELDS Gallery is pleased to participate in "Convergence 2005". The F.A.N. Club of Lawrence is represented in part through an exhibition of work by artist Diana Dunkley. Diana works in a variety of forms and media, including performance art. In her two dimensional work Dunkley layers transparent and metallic watercolors, gradually creating the illusion of space with cosmic proportions. The feeling that one comes away with is one of hope and connectedness to others. It is in the spirit of this connectedness that as part of Convergence 2005, Diana Dunkley's work is presented at FIELDS Gallery. Exhibition: Oct 22-Nov 30. Opening reception: Oct. 28, 7-9pm.
Paintings, monoprints and collages by Laurie Culling are featured at Jewelry by Julie, 19 West Ninth, with an Open House 5-7pm, Friday, October 28.
Ceramics, sculpture, paintings, and monoprints, by Jan Gaumnitz and Cathy Tisdale are on exhibit at Phoenix Gallery, 919 Mass. St., with a Reception on Friday, October 28, 7-9pm.
Ann Kuckelman Cobb is the featured artist at "Southwest and More", 727 Massachusetts, during the Downtown Gallery Walk, Friday, October 28, 7-9pm.
For visitors to Lawrence, Kansas – and
Any Questions, Contact Laurie via her website at
Ann Bird Ann Kuckelman Cobb Laurie Culling Diana Dunkley Jan Gaumnitz Maggie Glossop Missy Hamilton Roberta Huebener Susan Rennick Jolliffe Susan Jordan Maryse Maynard Liz Minnes Nan Renbarger Margaret Rose Chandler Swain Cathy Tisdale Wendo Van Essen Yvonne Wiegers
© 2005 · Website updated November 11, 2020
All rights reserved. Content and images are copyrighted and may not be reproduced.
Site by Colin Tisdale, Laurie Culling, Denise Lajetta, Margaret Rose